Sustainable fisheries training
Sustainable fisheries training addresses marine ecology and the role of fishing in the marine ecosystem. It provides knowledge and understanding of current issues, such as the Common Fisheries Policy, fish stock assessment, marine spatial planning, marine litter, climate change, certification schemes, collaboration within the fish supply chain (profit), and enhanced communication skills. It aims to supply fishers with the competences and knowledge to play their role in a changing and more sustainable fishery sector.
Sustainable fisheries education has been part of the fisheries academies in the Netherlands for over 16 years, developed and conducted by the ProSea Foundation. Nowadays, it has been adapted in the Dutch fishery education curricula, has been a best practice for years and has several spin-offs.
This has been noticed internationally and several organizations and fishery academies expressed interest. This led to the formation of a collaborative ambition which eventually led to Catching the Potential.
Do you want one for your country?
In Catching the Potential we form an international network of fishery educators and we develop and conduct seven sustainable fisheries training pilots. Join us in this revolution, we need all kinds of fishery and education expertise to make this work.